Mentoring the Next Generation of Red Seal Tradespeople

This month marks eight years since Red Seal-certified carpenter and Apprenticeship Instructor Dave Lovisa joined the Construction Foundation of BC (CFBC). Based in Kelowna, Lovisa plays a pivotal role in mentoring aspiring tradespeople through CFBC’s Coast Capital Road to Red Seal program, helping them achieve the highest standard of excellence in the trades—the Red Seal […]

Journeyman Plumber Reflects on Support Received Through Coast Capital Road to Red Seal

Seaspan plumber, Thierry Mirandette, is celebrating the achievement of obtaining his Red Seal endorsement. The 39- year-old recently completed his apprenticeship after receiving tutoring through the Construction Foundation of BC’s (CFBC) Coast Capital Road to Red Seal program. The Coast Capital Road to Red Seal initiative offers support to apprentices across the province by providing […]

Coast Capital Road to Red Seal Program Hitting Stride in Initial Year

October 17, 2023 (Kelowna, BC) – Coast Capital and CFBC’s “Road to Red Seal” program launched in March of 2023 and its support to British Columbia’s apprentices has been increasing steadily ever since. Highlighted by a one-on-one approach for individuals seeking their Red Seal endorsement, the program is now home to several unique and inspiring […]