Honouring our brave countrymen and women

As a new initiative of the British Columbia Construction Association, the Construction Foundation of BC was created to give the construction industry greater opportunity to give back to the community.  It is only fitting that the inaugural contribution from the Foundation would be to support those who contribute so much to the health and safety of our communities here in BC:  members of the Canadian Forces and our ambulance, fire and law enforcement services.

The very first contribution will come in the form of a $65000 financial contribution to Honour House, a 10-suite home which provides free temporary accommodation for current or former Canadian Forces personnel or first responders (and their families) when they must to travel to the Vancouver area for medical treatment.   This donation is just a small part of the contributions from the local construction industry – cash and in-kind donations have come from construction organizations throughout the province to contribute to the renovation and establishment of Honour House itself.

Opened in November 2010, Honour House is described as:

Honour House is a place of refuge where families may enjoy a degree of normal family life despite the stress of their circumstances. The goal of Honour House Society is to continue to provide safe and comfortable accommodation for those who have served on our behalf in life-threatening situations.

The Foundation as well as the British Columbia Construction Association and its contributing members are proud to support this vital part of the community.

At 11 AM on November 9, 2012, an event will be held at Honour House to officially announce this contribution.  Details are available here.

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